
”Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.”

Jim Rohn

About Renzo


Hi, my name is Renzo Romero. I was born and raised in Peru and currently reside in Los Angeles, California. Please take a few moments to get to know me a little better.

My journey into fitness started as a child, practicing martial arts from a young age and getting more serious when I began training as a competitive tennis player. After a knee injury I was introduced to both physical therapy and strength training. This taught me a greater understanding of the human body, both its abilities and its limitations, and turned my childhood passion into a life long journey.

During my years as a personal trainer, I have been able to develop an interdisciplinary and client driven approach to training, combining traditional methodology with more creative movement. I believe this multifaceted approach allows both myself and my clients to build not only physical endurance and strength but also mental engagement, which for me is key to building a sustainable and long lasting fitness lifestyle. My own experience with injury led me to explore the rehab and regeneration aspect within sport specific training, this is something I proudly specialize in and am constantly expanding my own experience and knowledge.


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IG | @coach_renz